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from £50.00

Classic French TRUFFLES 

Classic French TRUFFLES
Ultimate. Simple. Complex. Quality.

Simply the finest quality chocolates - pure style

We didn't invent Classic French Truffles but, we make them better using the most extraordinary Scottish ingredients and Venezuelan origin 70% chocolate, locally sourced Scottish creme fraiche, Scottish unsalted butter, and ... NOTHING else. As far from machine-made as is humanly possible each small taste of these chocolates will last forever. All with the Cocoa Mountain hand-made 'tramline finish' to prove the point!

Ingredients: cocoa mass, creme fraiche (milk), sugar, cocoa butter, butter (milk). Allergens listed in bold

All our truffle selections may be delivered directly as a gift, with ribbon and gift card containing your greeting message. Just let us know when you would prefer them to be delivered on-time. Truffles, and some chocolates are made with fresh cream - we use no additional preservative in these chocolates, and they are delivered with a shelf life of 3 weeks, and we and recommend they be consumed at room temperature. Our nominated delivery serviuce will ensure these are delivered freshly made. Allergen: milk, soya

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